martes, 4 de mayo de 2010

Declaring my love for Cing, part 1

Ah, Cing. What can I say about this now defunct indie videogame developer that's not been said before.
My feelings, I suppose...!

I fuckin' love them. As far as new generation consoles go, I'm embarrassed to admit I only own one, a Nintendo DS (in metallic rose, if you care to know); since it's not as open/popular as the Wii or the PS3, finding good games for it tends to be just a bit of a gamble.
But not with Cing.
Cing made novels. Cing made games for those of us who sometimes prefer to lay back and enjoy a couple of hours without any button smashing and lighting-quick reflexes.
How sad it is to see that the only developers that seemed to be making games for ME went under just like that.
So as tribute, I'll talk about the three games for the DS I ever got from them, starting with "Again" (Hotel Dusk and Trace Memory will be covered in upcoming entries)

For the record, let me clarify that Hotel Dusk is probably the best of these games, but I found this game really quirky and hard to put down and it's also the most hated by your regular gamer.
Seems you either love it or hate it.
Plot-wise, I don't wanna ruin anything, but it's Dexter season one! XD Plus the paranormal element which I found quite original, specially because it makes such good use of the DS' 2-screen structure.
The game's a mystery novel, where you play an FBI agent known as 'J', who has the dormant ability of being able to see both the past and present of certain locations (thus, the use of both screens) and he uses that to solve a bunch of crimes that happened both in the past and now, by a serial killer and its supposed copy-cat.

The character design this time is non-existant, as the characters are 'played' by real people. Interesting choice, and though I was put off at first (I loved Hotel Dusks's 'A-ha/Take on Me' style art), I find they handled it well and the models are not creepy, at least. They don't look too awful, like those creepazoids you'd see in the old Sega CD games. Remember those? Jesus Christ, that was bad. They could make your head spin in nightmarish visions of yourself wanting to rip your eyes off with a spoon so you wouldn't need to endure creepy z-rated actors telling you insane lines or worse, being your game sprite (omg, the fight games)


My point is, this is way way better.
I like the japanese box art a lot more, cos it shows clear pictures of the protagonists (see image on top of this post: see how they don't look so bad compared to the freaky-deakies from the olden days of the ill fated Sega CD? I mean, these are normal, hell, almost attractive people! for the inconvenient fact that they're all in an obscure videogame and apparently I'm a lonely old maid.....)

I hate that the name of the game is Again. Try googling that; go on, try it. It's absolutely ass. The best way is to write things like 'Cing' and 'DS' next to it, or go by its alternate title Again: eye of Providence. At lest it's not that bad as calling your band The The. You try finding anything on those people (Ok, actually you do find stuff on The The with ease. I guess they saw it coming and bought a good spot on Google results...nah-nah, boo-boo)

It's funny, but after some searching, I should point out that the only positive reviews I've found seem to come from girl gamers...there's maybe a niche there for novel-type games, hey? We like our dark, silent protagonists, maybe
haha (Seriously. Lonely old maid)
But this is exactly as I said earlier: like curling up with a good book and a cup of hot tea, only better, cos it's got music and moves (a lot more than just turning the page, at least)

Maybe some find it the gaming clunky, but hey, it's creative. sometimes creative efforts don't totally work, but if given
the chance, will evolve for the better (anyone else argue that it took 4 tries for Resident Evil to get it right??)
I bet if Cing would've had the chance to continue, they could've developed a much better sequel, but I guess now we'll never freakin' know, will we??
Fuckin' bombs.

1 comentario:

  1. Oh I didn't know that this is from the Hotel Dusk guys! I LOVED hotel dusk, so I bettre try this one out too :D
